
Retirement calculator

Retirement Calculator

There are many retirement calculators around but this one is a calculator with a difference. It allows you to change the assumptions regarding:

  • Retirement age;
  • Spending per year;
  • Base income (in our case this is occupational pensions we know we’ll have)
  • Level of money pot (savings/investments);
  • Inflation;
  • Yields;
  • And care requirements (age, costs etc.)

Please note:

  • To be able to set the numbers so that they ‘make sense’ you need to have a good idea of the life style you intend to lead when retired.
  • Our assumptions seem generous on the ‘spending per year’ but we plan to travel and live in other countries; donate generously to charities and trying to do a bit of good. What use is money otherwise?

The calculator then estimates how long you will be able to financially survive given these assumptions so you can adjust them if you need.

To download this tool, please add your name and email address below