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Principled Money Posts #18: Bella Roma edition

I spent some of last week in Rome: my third favourite city in the world after New York and Vienna! There is none of the gaudy frivolity of Paris or the imperial imposition of Vienna about Rome. It is like a gracefully aging beautiful woman – you can still see the striking attractiveness, the wonderful combination of features matured with life and experience. Rome is not so much about beauty as it is about style. When I age I would like to be like Rome – not ravaged by time but acquiring a patina of dignity and grace.

What do I love about Rome? I love the sites, I love the feeling of history and continuity, I love the pizza and I love the ice-cream. I love to look at the stylish, intensely good looking people sitting in coffee bars. I love it all.

Last week though, my delight about visiting Rome was bitter sweet; it was like seeing someone you love in stained clothes and wearing the mildly troubled expression that comes with deep despair. Looking at the people sleeping rough in the shades ancient ruins and seeing the relaxed, mildly arrogant outlook of the South of Europe gone is still tugging at my heart. Yes, the South of Europe is beautiful, proud and so very close to financial ruin!

Now let me tell you what around the blogosphere caught my attention this week and which money posts I enjoyed.

Did I tell you that Roshawn at Watson Inc never disappoints? I was right: last week he published Stolen life where he makes four great points: 1) Generation X is in too much debt; 2) Generation X is out of work; 3) Generation X fears the future unable to start their lives; and 4) marketing ‘experts’ get off Generation X’s back. Good points, forcefully but elegantly made!

Dr Dean over at The Millionaire Nurse shares his three main reasons for not refinancing his mortgage. I am in complete agreement with the latter two – there comes a time when people need to move and I am believe in limiting the number of things I have to make choices about and increasing the number of choices about fewer things. Now, if you want to know more about it go read the article.

I don’t only admire what Len Penzo is doing on his blog; I am also fascinated by his 100 Words series. This week he succinctly tells us why we will never get rich working for others . It made me think about safety vs. security – safety is in the moment, it is succumbing to our fears and it keeps us ‘ordinary’. Security and something else; it is audacious, needs courage and gets us to achieve our dreams. Most of the time we wish to be safe! Len, thanks for writing these 100 words – now I really want to be secure.

Emma-Lou at Totally Money, provides an interesting insight in a very important change in the UK – people in their late 30s still living with their parents. Apparently at present in the UK this is one in three – which actually means that one third of young people can’t start their lives. I know – I have two of those and am prepared to go to considerable trouble to get them out of the house. It is not for my sake and if we are entirely fiscally rational families living together makes sense – if grown up children are un-employed they need support and they can be useful around the house; if they work they can pay rent and it is a win-win. Only problem is that different generations need different things; and the main thing – they need to become separate.

Last but not least, there is some wonderful news: A Blinkin proposed to his girlfriend (which I fully expected; he’s been dropping hints for couple of months now) and was accepted (which is not a surprise either; he sounds like a lovely man). A Blinkin is not only clever and erudite; he is also a very brave and tender man. Want to know why? See for yourself and read this – brought a tear to my eye and I don’t do emotion very well.

This is it for now, my friends. Till next time.

18 thoughts on “Principled Money Posts #18: Bella Roma edition”

    • @Barbara Friedberg: Jim Morrison crooned ‘people are strange when you are a stranger’. When people have big hearts the world is a very small place.

    • @Lance: So he can! Have you tried writing short texts? It is an absolutely amazing experience; well worth experimenting with. Putting forward an idea in 100 words means that the language is really precise and/or imaginative.

    • @Krant: Hope the operation goes well and I am sure there will be other opportunities. I have never been to Venice or taken a cruise – there is time for that.

    • @Roshawn: If my sense of you is correct, you would love Rome, Shawn; generally Italy is very striking – most people end up falling in love with it. It is a bit like with Italian – people study it because they want to not because they need to.

  1. Thanks so much for the mention Maria! 

    I’ve yet to go to Rome – I’m desperate to go. 

    Incidentally @krantcents Venice is well worth a visit. I’d recommend staying near Lake Garda, which is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. That way you’re not far from Verona and Venice for day trips. 

    • @Harri: I liked your piece; a lot! As to Rome well worth visiting. I have been at Lake Garda but have never been to Venice – something to look forward to.

    • @AverageJoe: No, I don’t think I have been to Munich. One more reason to build wealth – then I can spend my time travelling for pleasure (most of my travel now is for work) and be able to cycle from cost to cost in the US and dance flamenco with the Spenish gypsies.

    • @Jai: I know…John and I are just starting to go to the theater again. And we have visited many places with kids – in fact, I am of mind to bring Philip and John to New York and Washington next year.

  2. I’ve never been to Rome or Vienna, but I found NYC so-so. I much prefer DC when it comes to American cities, but then again, I’m a political dork, so maybe that’s why.
    I’d somehow missed the proposal over at Funancials, so thanks for reminding me to go check it out! I always love romance…


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